Driving License Testing center Contact Information
Contact details of Drivers License Testing center
Contact details of Drivers License Testing center
Once you are in Japan and have a fixed residence or are staying at a service apartment that allows their address to be registered as your residence, the first thing you will need to do is head to the municipal office and register your address
Guidelines for Indians planning to come to Japan to mitigate recruitment and visa fraud
Yen Loan Calculator to estimate your monthly mortgage repayments if you purchase a home in Japan.
Many Indian Grocery stores in Japan have come up in and around major cities that cater specifically to the Indian audience.
Issue a negative certificate (medical certificate) signed by a doctor which is necessary for overseas travel
Japan’s strict border policies are finally relaxing — at least a little bit — and from March, new entrants will be allowed to come to the country once again.
We are thrilled to extend our warmest invitation to you for an extraordinary journey of compassion, wellness, and community spirit. As we lace up our shoes and step out together, let's make each stride count towards a brighter tomorrow.
Join us on September 29th and October 6th for Onam celebrations with cultural programs, games, and a traditional Sadhya.
Spring has arrived, and with it comes our annual Hanami party! Nihon Kairali is planning for a Hanami potluck/get-together in the park.